
Julie Waterston
PRINCE ALBERT - Western Cape Western Cape South Africa

Bio & Interests

My recent research about my father Clifford Davies, started with a google search of his name, (the only other info I knew was that he was in 19 squadron, had been shot down sometime during the early stages of the war, was a POW for most of the war, POW No 39371), leading me to: 1. A Forum Post: Sgt Clifford Davies 1106853 - Pilot, 22 January 2022, 08:41 "Hi, i'm looking for more information concerning RAF pilot sergeant Clifford Davies, he was a pilot 19 squadron RAF, he was born on the 24/2/1919 in Manchester. He crashed his Spitfire in Veurne (coastside Belgium) on the 29/8/1941, was wounded and taken by the Germans as prisoner, he stayed till the end of the war in a prisoner camp in Litouwen POW NR 39371. I still have is pilot glasses found next his plane and that is why I'm looking and searching if I can find family of Clifford Davies and if they are interested then I'll give that glasses to them as a souvenir I hope that some one here extra information for, every help is welkom, thanks in advance, greets, ronny cambier ( Belgium ) and 2.the RAF Commands Forum, where Hans Nauta in 2006 was looking for " Identity Sgt Davies, 19 Squadron, POW 29th August 1941, Post: Dear researchers, On 29th August 1941 Sgt Davies, 19 Squadron, was shot down in Spitfire P8255 near the Dutch coast. He was picked from the sea and made POW." "In "Prisoners of War - Naval and Air Forces of Great Britain and The Empire 1939-1945": Camp: L6 (Stalag Luft 6 - Heydekrug), P.O.W. no.: 39371, Davies C., Rank: Warrant Officer, Service number: 1106853. After making contact with Ronny I found out that his father had photo's of himself next to the plane, P8255 QV-F, hence how he was able to establish the name of the Pilot, and DOB 24.02.1922, which ties up with his Birth Certificate which I have, including a pair of Pilot Goggles, which he had left in an envelop for all these years. I then came across Ken Fenton's War, written by his son, Nick, and amazingly saw that he knew Hans Nauta, from the above Forum, and now I was able to start cross checking. I also have a copy of a Map that my dad had drawn in his POW Log Books, so was able to start tracing his POW Route. Ronny also put me in touch with his friend in Belgium, who is passionate about this history and so together we are building our research on my father as I would love to be able to be to honor his memory. . . . more to follow

Pilots Added

 Davies, Clifford,
